Thursday, August 26, 2010

Watch The Gap!

LIRR Diary Entry: Just so much to write about with the LIRR sucking this week. Has anyone had the privilege of hearing the "Gap Rap"? Well you're in for a treat! Some lyrics go "Look down, Step over, and Watch the Gap..." What it should say is "don't be a re-tard and fall in the gap" because if you fall in the gap, chances are you're not fit to have made it as long as you did and you're retarded. How many people are falling into this 6 inch gap between the train and the platform? How many that we need to dedicate posters, money to artists to write and compose a song that focuses on people who are falling into this tiny space? I am shocked that a song has been written about it. If you have fallen in the gap, please please please invite me to your next athletic outting. I would love to watch as you flip and flop all over the field, court, etc. because it's going to definitely get onto this blog. I bet I fall in the gap now. Haha!

It's getting hot in here...

LIRR Diary Entry: I'm packed like a sardine on the train right now. Not to mention I have a lot of cargo and I'm standing. No seats available. That's expected. $250 a month to collapse in the arms of a stranger. Sounds like DisneyWorld. A russian guy just got on the train who is yelling at everyone. This might restart ...the Cold War. He might be a gymnast from 1968 because he's about 4ft 9in tall and barrell chested.