Thursday, May 12, 2011

Just another day!

LIRR Diary Entry 3/18/11: Sorry I've been away so long. I literally haven't had the strength to get these in. That doesn't mean the crazy occurrences of the LIRR do not happen, I'm just not logging them. However, today must be documented. Even though yesterday we all could have had an entry I'm sure with amateur hour going on with St. Paddy's. BTW - I'm still an amateur any day I drink. Continued -->

So you know how the train pulls up and everyone funnels in and there's awkward nudging and elbows. Usually I just wait and go after because I'm not 300+ lbs or 75 years old. The day is coming, but we're good for now. The funnel starts and 2 women no taller than 5FT each start elbowing eachother. One says "wait a second" and the other says "hmmm hmmm" and she says it again and the "hmmm hmmm" lady runs her over. So the other lady shoves her and calls her a bitch and cocks her hand back. The other lady says "you do that and I'll punch you in the face" I'm smiling because I love a fight I'm not going to have to be involved in. So I trot passed them, grab the fold down seats because 300 peoples bags need a seat too. I mean they're bags, they'll get lonely in the overhead.

These two are shoving each others faces with open hands. I'm dying laughing. One lady muffs her so hard she falls over and then gets called a bitch. That lady grabs the other ladies bag and heaves its across the platform. Then some dude (like my dads age) says "you stupid bitches cut it out." People start applauding for this to stop. One lady grabbed a seat, the other walked to another car. No one got arrested. Let's start the weekend!

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